Construction electrician job in Poland
Job description
We are looking for an experienced Electrician to undertake a variety of tasks relating to setting up and maintaining electrical infrastructure. Your job will involve installing electrical wiring in buildings and poles, troubleshooting malfunctions and blackouts and repairing appliances.
Due to the high amount of risk pertaining to this job, electricians must be first and foremost responsible individuals with great attention to safety precautions. The ideal candidate must also be experienced in different kinds of electrical devices and systems.
The goal will be to produce and maintain well functioning electrical connections to Minimise the probability of accidents and Maximise usability of electricity in all facilities.
Job requirements
- execution of temporary electrical connections and installations, enabling the implementation of construction works;
- execution of electrical installations in buildings in accordance with technical documentation; execution of external electrical installations, teletechnical and lightning protection;
- controlling the quality of the work performed on an ongoing basis, including controlling the functionality of the installation, removing faults;
- preparation for acceptance and commissioning of electrical installations;
- performing post-assembly (acceptance) measurements of electrical installations and the effectiveness of the applied electric shock protection;
- performing minor assembly, locksmith and construction works during the installation (post-installation) works;
- we require work experience from candidates (we prefer people with any qualifications)
- knowledge of the English language will be an advantage
- we are especially looking for: upholsterers, seamstresses, welders, CNC operators, turners, CE drivers, bricklayers, plasterers, fixers, pavers, painters, varnishers, electricians
- we are also looking for: chefs, hotel cleaners, nannies for children
- We also offer work for: packers, production machine operators and unqualified employees with production experience
applicants should have a valid passport for at least 2 years and up to 40 years of age
Additional information
- A construction electrician performs and repairs electrical, lightning protection and teletechnical installations in building structures.
- A construction electrician is a service profession in the field of electrical, construction and assembly. The aim of the work of a construction electrician is comprehensive implementation (based on design documentation, applicable regulations and rules, technical knowledge) of electrical, lightning protection and teletechnical installations in residential, office and public buildings.
- Before the commencement of construction works, the construction electrician, in consultation with the energy distributor, provisionally supplies the construction site by installing a low-voltage switchgear there.
- During the entire construction period, the construction electrician makes the necessary changes in the power supply to the construction site, adapting them to the progress and technology of work of the participants in the construction process, in a timely manner and sequence.
- The commencement of proper installation works takes place after the completion of construction works. A construction electrician arranges flush-mounted installations before plastering, and surface-mounted installations after plastering.
- The installation works include preparatory works: installation routing, preparation of cable routes, forging recesses for switchboards, openings for boxes for electrical equipment and grooves for electrical installation pipes. Then, a construction electrician arranges cables and fixes electrical equipment, performs all external electrical installations, including area lighting and lightning protection.
- At the end of the installation work, he describes and marks the electrical fixtures and fittings, and carries out functional tests of the installation (the so-called acceptance tests).
- Renovation or modernization works consist of replacing plug-in sockets with sockets with a protective pin, fuses with installation switches, changing – to a three- and five-wire installation, checking with equipotential bonding, installing residual current devices and increasing the cross-sections of cables in order to adapt the installation to higher loads.
- Renovation and modernization works in electrical installations are usually performed during the renovation of a building or apartment.
- During the execution of works, a construction electrician controls the quality of execution of individual stages of his own works on an ongoing basis and removes identified defects. At the final stage of works carried out by other contractors, he performs post-assembly (acceptance) measurements and tests of the effectiveness of the applied anti-shock protection.
Our offer:
- fully legal work in Poland on the basis of a work permit and a working visa
- obtaining a residence card on the territory of Poland
- remuneration from PLN 22 to PLN 27 / hour net (remuneration depending on skills) (PLN 4,400 – PLN 6,600 per month)
- provided accommodation payable in the amount of PLN 500 for the employee
- Organization of the entire visa process
- pickup from the airport in Poland and accommodation in AtoZ Serwis Plus accommodation facilities
- care of an English-speaking coordinator in Poland
- free medical care in Poland
- free workwear
By applying to us you get:
- our care while in the process of recruitment,
- opportunity to find constant employment,
- obtaining type A work permits for foreigners
- preparation of application documents for the consulate
- obtaining information on visa processes in various countries
- constant contact with the border guard to provide the required information
- constant contact with consuls and the Republic of Poland at Polish consulates
- solving current problems related to the visa process
We are the agency that can help you find a decent job.
Looking for work? Look no further!