Poland Visa and Residence Card A quick guide for Indians
Q1. How I can apply for Polish Visa?
Useful links for visa application:
Additional slots for all visa types are opened in the thee-konsulat system twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 PM (IST).
For Visa interview: You can see the following posts in our Facebook group:
Q2. How to apply for a residence card?
Polish Migration Forum (Polskie Forum Migracyjne) has prepared a very nice step by step FAQ please see that file here.
You can also read FAQs about TRC here:
Q3. I came to Poland on a tourist Visa. Can I get a TRC?
In most case not. More details about TRC you can find on the website https://udsc.gov.pl/en/cudzoziemcy/obywatele-panstw-trzecich/chce-przedluzyc-swoj-pobyt-w-polsce/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-czasowy
Understand the basics first. TRC is issued on few bases as work, business activity, studies and education, researcher, residence with family. If you got a job you apply for a work permit and based on WP you apply for TRC. A work permit is required for each employer, you cannot work on the same work permit with any other employer. Remember changing job = changing work permit.
Attention: There are many fraud agents. They all come on such fake work permits earlier and trying to bring more people to recover their costs. Recently the Polish government becoming more and more stringent in issuing TRC’s. So if you do not have a valid work permit before coming here think twice. It can be risky
A warning against dishonest agents and info on all official fees. In Polish but there is also an attached file with the English translation below. It's from Urz?d Wojewódzki.
Q4. I need a Polish to Hindi or a Hindi to Polish translator for document translation.
If you need a sworn translator (not only Hindi, any language) you can find information on the Ministry of Justice website, just select city and search
Q5. What to do in case of losing the temporary residence card/Karta pobytu?
If stolen: go with your Police report and decision papers, passport, meldunek (domicile ) to your foreigner's office. Nominal payment for new Card and it’s issued in about a months time
If lost: just write a letter addressing the foreigners office, attach your decision papers, passport, meldunek ( domicile ). Hand deliver this. Nominal payment for a new car and it’s issued in about a months time.
If stolen/lost and needed urgently :
1. Write a letter defining the urgency + all the above and hope you will get it.
2. Secondly in the rarest of cases, serious urgencies you can also get a stamp from the Foreigners office on your passport which will allow you to leave The EU and go back home but won’t let you return. Then you will need to reapply in your country’s concerning consulates.
Q6. I lost my passport with a Polish visa in it.
Step 1: Inform the Nearest Police Station.
Step 2: You should go to the Indian Embassy in Warsaw and submit an application for a new passport. See this link: https://www.indianembassywarsaw.gov.in/eoi.php?id=Pass
Step 3: Apply for a replacement visa in your urz?d wojewódzki (voivodship office). You should have a new passport and a confirmation that you reported a loss of the previous one. A copy of your lost visa would be much useful.
Q7. How can I get PR in Poland?
It is not easy to get PR in Poland unless you speak Polish or if you are married to a Polish citizen. How to get PR in Poland you should be staying in Poland for at least five years on the basis of Karta Pobytu and And you must pass the B2 level of Polish language certificate. add more details: https://udsc.gov.pl/en/cudzoziemcy/obywatele-panstw-trzecich/chce-osiedlic-sie-w-polsce/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-staly/
Q8. How can I settle in Poland?
To settle in Poland you need to apply for a permanent resident permit. For more details please see the section on how to get PR in Poland.
Q9. How much is Poland visa fees?
Poland visa fee as of 2020 is as follows:
Short-term visa (C) : 6800 (80 €)
Short-term visa (C) children 6-12 years: 3400 (40 €)
Long-term visa (D) 6800 (80 €)
Q10. How can I get an appointment in Poland embassy in Delhi?
Getting an appointment for Polish Visa can be tricky many times and many people have difficulty in getting an appointment. But we still recommend not to fall into the trap of agents who will cheat you by saying that they can get you an appointment. We recommend going through the official process. You can apply for Poland Book an appointment to visit the Visa Application Centre through:
If you have difficulty in getting an appointment we recommend you to email or call Embassy officials for help.
Q11. Is it easy to get PR in Poland?
It is not easy to get PR in Poland unless you speak Polish or if you are married to a Polish citizen. How to get PR in Poland you should be staying in Poland for at least five years on the basis of Karta Pobytu and And you must pass the B2 level of Polish language certificate. add more details: https://udsc.gov.pl/en/cudzoziemcy/obywatele-panstw-trzecich/chce-osiedlic-sie-w-polsce/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-staly/
Q12. How long do you have to live in Poland to become a citizen?
The path to polish citizenship is very long and difficult. First, you must get a permanent residence. The permanent residence you can apply only after five years of residence in Poland and after passing the B1 level of polish language certificate. Once you have a permanent resident card you are eligible to apply for citizenship. So to summarize, getting polish citizenship will take around 7 years.
Q13. Can I apply for a Polish passport?
You can apply for a Polish passport only if you are a polish citizen please see the section on how to get polish citizenship.
Q14. Is Poland a safe country to live in?
Poland is considered a very safe and friendly country to study and live in according to statistics and is one of the safest countries in the European Union. Polish citizens are very well known for their hospitality.
Q15. How can I get permanent residency in Poland?
It is not easy to get PR in Poland unless you speak Polish or if you are married to a Polish citizen. How to get PR in Poland you should be staying in Poland for at least five years on the basis of Karta Pobytu and And you must pass the B2 level of Polish language certificate. add more details: https://udsc.gov.pl/en/cudzoziemcy/obywatele-panstw-trzecich/chce-osiedlic-sie-w-polsce/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-staly/
Q16. Is there work in Poland?
There are various job opportunities for foreigners in Poland. Finding a suitable job in Poland can take some time especially if you don't know the Polish language. If you know the Polish language and you have the right skills and experience, yes there is work in Poland and you may find it.
Q17. Can you immigrate to Poland?
Indian citizens who want to immigrate to Poland need to apply for a work permit and Visa/ residence apartment.
Q18. Is it easy to get citizenship in Poland?
No, the path to polish citizenship is very long and difficult. First, you must get a permanent residence. The permanent residence you can apply only after five years of residence in Poland and after passing the B1 level of polish language certificate. Once you have a permanent resident card you are eligible to apply for citizenship. So to summarize, getting polish citizenship will take around 7 years.
Q19. What do Polish people look like?
The general look is lighter hair and eyes and high cheekbones and often sharp noses this is a typical slave look.
Q20. How do I get a blue card in Poland?
For a blue card, you need to fulfil two requirements: 1. You should have a work contract for highly qualified employees with a duration of at least one year. 2. You must meet a minimum salary threshold that is around 5,000 PLN.
Q21. Who is eligible for a blue card?
For a blue card, you need to fulfil two requirements: 1. You should have a work contract for highly qualified employees with a duration of at least one year. 2. You must meet the minimum salary threshold that is above 5,000 PLN.
Q22. What is a blue card in Poland?
The blue card is an approved EU-wide work permit allowing highly-skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in 25 of the 27 countries within the European Union.
Q23. How long does it take to get permanent residency in Poland?
It can take a minimum of 5 years with knowledge of Polish if you want to get PR in Poland. More details can be found here: https://udsc.gov.pl/en/cudzoziemcy/obywatele-panstw-trzecich/chce-osiedlic-sie-w-polsce/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-staly/
Q24. How can I get PR in Poland by investment?
Poland offers temporary residence to business investors that want to start a business in the country. It basically requires the investor to set up the business activity and demonstrate that they generate at least 15,000 EUR of income a year to be eligible for a temporary residence permit.
Q25. How can I settle from Poland to India?
You need to find a job. Please see the section on how to find a job in Poland.
Q26. How can I move to Poland from India?
You need to find a job. Please see the section on how to find a job in Poland.
Q27. How many immigrants are in Poland?
As per government statistics: https://migracje.gov.pl/en/statistics/scope/poland/type/statuses/view/tables/year/2019/
Approximately 0.5 million residence permits under different categories were issued in 2019. There can be around 1-2 million foreigners living in Poland at any given time.
Q28. Is it easy to get a Poland visa?
In the current scenario unless you are coming to study in a ranked university or for a job in a multinational company it is not easy to get a visa.
Q29. How do I get a Polish work visa?
To work in Poland you need to find an employer who is ready to apply for you a work permit. Please read ours are frequently asked questions on how you can work in Poland and how you can find a job.
Q30. My baby is born in Poland will he/she get Polish citizenship?
No, unless one of a parent is a Polich citizen.