90 new jobs in Polish BPO/SSC every day!
Almost 300,000 employees and 90 new jobs created every day – that is what the Polish BPO, SSC, IT and R&D markets look like. The annual ABSL report sheds more light on the impressive growth of these advanced business services offered by Polish companies and entities.
Impressive growth
Over the last year, from the beginning of 2017 till the beginning of 2018 there have been 91 new business centres added to the list of such facilities in Poland, making for 1236 centres in total. We have not witnessed any shift in their location – the majority of them are still located in Warsaw, Kraków and Wroc?aw, then in Tricity, Katowice agglomeration, ?ód? and Pozna?, then – Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Rzeszów, Szczecin, and some other locations as well.
Outsourcing no longer on lead
The weight of the entire sector has shifted – as expected – to more advanced processes than there used to be carried out in the past. Now outsourcing constitutes only 19 per cent of the whole activity of business centres in Poland, whereas shared services (35 per cent) and IT (33 per cent) remain on top in terms of the number of employees. R&D still remains the smallest, but nevertheless significant part with 13 per cent of all people employed in the business.
Global impact
Almost half of the examined companies (48 per cent) provide services to clients abroad (both internally and externally). Usually they come from Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe and increasingly more often – Nordic countries. The companies constantly expand – over the last year over half of them have broadened their scope of activities by adding new ones and serving new clients.
Foreign factor
90 per cent of all surveyed centres employ foreign workers. Within this figure, foreigners constitute 10.6 per cent of business centres in Poland, which gives an approximate number of 25,000 expats working in this sector.
The most popular group within Polish BPO/SSC/IT/R&D are Ukrainians, with the Italian and Spanish in top 3. The remaining nationalities are: India, Germany, France, the UK, Belarus, Finland, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Portugal, the Netherlands, Romania and Turkey.
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