ArcelorMittal looking to hire 70 more people. Are you among them?
We spoke with Andrzej Wypych, Head of HR at ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence Poland about the jobs they are recruiting for, the recruitment process itself and why it is worth to take part in it.
A short briefing: as your SSC in Romania is being shut down, all the processes conducted there are to be transferred to ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence Poland (BCoE). It is good news for business in Poland but what reasons were behind this decision? What specific processes will be moved to Poland?
The shutdown of BCoE in Romania is related to the fact that ArcelorMittal has acquired the biggest steel works in Europe – Ilva in Italy. It was an EU condition that the purchase can be completed only if we sell production capacities in other parts of the continent.
The quality of work in Poland, the ability to act under pressure, employee qualifications and their multilingual skills have weighed on the decision. The processes will be transferred from the SSC in Romania to Poland and we can say proudly that it was because of the very good performance of our employees here.
The main processes that will be transferred to Poland:
- ArcelorMittal Sourcing – related to procurement and merchandising, which deals with logistics – not only transport, but also delivery coordination, purchase orders, procurement process supervision;
- Accounting – related to invoicing;
- Encashment – accounting banking statements, customer support – updating about the status of their payment;
- Reporting Factory – reporting on controlling and management, with analyses for different needs of various departments;
- Global Travel Management – support of all employees in Europe in organisation and clearance of business travels.
We know that these changes entail a huge recruitment programme. When does it start and when will the jobs be available? How many people do you need and in what period of time?
The jobs have been available since… well, yesterday. The decision about the transfer was announced very recently, only two or three weeks ago, so we need to maintain the continuity of the processes. Moreover, all the changes have to be transparent for our partners and clients to see. The process cannot be brought to a halt no matter where it is being conducted. This is why we need employees to complete our transitions, meaning our process’ transfers to Poland.
We do hope that also our employees from Romania will join us in our ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence in D?browa Górnicza – the talks are already underway. After all we are an international team open to all nationalities that want to join us.
In Romania we had about 100 employees. 70 of them will be transferred to Poland, while 30 will remain in Romania – this number will include the people who worked for the local steelworks.
Which positions will be available?
We are looking to recruit in all aforementioned areas. The structure involves such jobs as junior specialists, leaders, managers and senior managers, which are present in all respective businesses (e.g. Reporting Factory Leader).
We are looking for employees who are fluent in English and additionally one or two other foreign languages, e.g. French, Italian or German.
Are you also open to hiring young graduates who are fresh out of college and lack professional experience?
Yes, we are, especially we are interested in senior year students and graduates. We are now assessing the possibility of moving our experienced employees to oversee the processes from Romania and introduce younger workforce to their former duties, so that they can develop in our organisation.
Where will you arrange the office space? Are you planning to open a new building or will you use some of the current space?
Temporarily we will find some space in the already existing steelworks’ buildings. This should last up to two or three months, but eventually we will create a dedicated office space in our facility. Our office is often jokingly mocked for its location, but it also has many advantages – the proximity to the mountains and A4 highway. And the facility itself, although steelworks it is, is surrounded by greenery.
We imagine your HR department is overflowing right now. Does that mean that your urgent call to recruit made the whole process simpler? What will the recruitment process look like?
Of course, our HR department has more work now, but we are always happy to bring new talent in. It is a great opportunity to build a stronger team. The process itself is not prone to changes: it will include preselection – interviews – manager interview – and finally, making the decision (whether to make an offer or not).
We are not lowering our standards; however, we want to speed the whole preselection process up, so that the time between screening and offer proposal is as short as possible. Our aim is to do it day by day.
If it is no secret, please share with us what skills and in what ways are tested during an interview.
Employee competences and skills are tested during Assessment Center, which may involve different methods: exercises, tests and talks. We also verify referrals. The final decision is made therefore by the head of the process we are recruiting for. They decide whether the final evaluation as well as the result of the interview is enough to work in a given department.
When it comes to graduates we are mostly keen to check whether the person is willing to embrace changes and challenges. Research shows that the next decade will erase almost half of the professions we have now. Instead of an employee who deals with invoicing we will need an employee overseeing a robot dealing with invoices. It is good then if a young candidate realises that reskilling may be necessary in the future. Of course no test will clearly indicate that, but personally I am able to assess that during a five-minute interview. I know whether the person has the same values as our organisation in 95 per cent of the cases. We also have our ArcelorMittal Assessment Center, which allows us to verify whether a candidate is predisposed to become a team leader in the future.
During an interview we also verify your knowledge of the English language, which is necessary in our day-to-day work.
Why should candidates be interested in the offer by ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence Poland (BCoE)? How would you like to persuade people to apply, especially those reading these words and being hesitant about it?
Working for ArcelorMittal Business Center of Excellence Poland lets you easily gain professional experience. Changes in our organisation occur fast. Employees are in touch with people from across Europe and can use foreign languages on a daily basis. Three or four years in our company leaves you qualified enough to find a job in any European country and your resume will be remarkable. Having that experience, you can get even top positions in nearly every organisation. This is something that young people should find interesting in joining ArcelorMittal.