Processing, which includes among all butchery, food industry, and bakery, is one of the most fragmented industries in Poland. In the Polish labor-market, they are mostly small companies. The opening of a German labor market may greatly endanger this industry. Lack of personnel can be counter-balanced by hiring foreigners.
AtoZ Serwis Plus Link recommends you, workers, for certain positions:
- Butcher
- Meat boner
- Baker
- Confectioner
Using our services Your Company will gain:
- Complex personnel service, on each stage of the recruitment process - we cover all the formalities so that hiring the foreigner is easier than hiring your countryman.
- Flexible services, tailored to you - recruitment solutions, staff leasing, outsourcing, consulting - our offer is created on the basis of your expectations. Our representatives take notice in order to deliver you an offer designed for your sector and enterprise type.
- Skilled workers, selected for the position - we recruit people for certain positions, even for those, which lack qualified personnel on a local market
- Secure placements with free replacements - we make sure that the whole employment process is legitimate; we guarantee a free checking of employee qualifications and free replacements in case of non-compliance!
- Supervising the recruitment process - we keep you up-to-date about the progress, at each stage of the process.
- Financial savings due to attractive rates - flexible forms of employment and high efficiency of our recruitment methods guarantee a stable level of employment and low employee rotation.