Truck driving job in Poland for Asians
In the EU, Poland has long been a pioneer in international transportation. According to the trans.info portal, Polish transportation has a far greater market share than the combined market shares of its two nearest rivals, Germany and the Netherlands. It is not unexpected that Polish transportation businesses are always looking for drivers because CE drivers make up the large majority of available applicants.
AtoZ Serwis Plus examined all employer applications for 2019 and the first half of 2022. As it turned out, the majority of the requests for workers came from logistics and transportation firms. Driver for CE is the most prevalent position.
Naturally, there is more competition among transportation businesses to hire drivers, which results in higher pay for drivers as well as greater demand for drivers. Nevertheless, despite the high pay, which ranges from 2,200 Euros per month and higher, it is still quite challenging to find enough drivers to fill all openings.
On an equal level with Poles, CE drivers from Ukraine make up a sizable portion of the personnel in Polish transportation companies. These are typically very experienced drivers who have worked for many years for Polish transportation businesses and move cargo across Europe. However, because they either already have a job or have other career possibilities, these drivers are not in a rush to swiftly change jobs.
Truck drivers from Asia to work in Poland
We started looking for a solution to the problem caused by the dearth of sufficient CE drivers in accordance with the demands of the market. We were forced to make the choice by the shipping firms themselves.
Our HR department began receiving inquiries from our client about if we could hire CE drivers for him from Asia because we employ people from a variety of areas, credentials, and nations, and Poland presently has the highest demand for workers from Asia. Such inquiries about whether we can locate CE drivers from Asia from transport businesses increased over time.
We also made the decision to research this topic on our own. We asked the transport businesses who work with us whether they would consider hiring a truck driver from Asia for this purpose, and the majority of them said "yes."
Based on the above information, we would like to facilitate the process of finding a job as a truck driver in Poland for potential candidates, truck drivers from Asia or South America. Therefore, we have prepared a description, thanks to which the candidate can understand whether he is suitable for this vacancy or not, and if desired, get a job as a truck driver in Europe with the help of AtoZ Serwis Plus!
Which Asian nations can truckers apply to work in Poland from?
These should be motorists from nations where traffic laws are uniformly applied worldwide and where roads are generally travelled on the right, like in Poland. Additionally, the motorist must be a responsible driver and rigorously adhere to all traffic laws in his or her place of origin.
The Philippines and Malaysia are the most promising nations from which Polish businesses hire foreign truck drivers. There may also be CE drivers from other Asian nations who have employment history in the European Union, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, etc.
Experience is the most crucial factor.
The experience of a truck driver from Asia seeking employment as a driver in Poland is required. The majority of Polish transportation firms typically demand at least one year of expertise. It is ideal if the driver has more than three years of experience. Truck driving positions DO NOT HIRE PERSONNEL WITHOUT EXPERIENCE.
The process of employment of a truck driver from Asia in Poland
A truck driver in Europe, in addition to a driver’s license with CE categories, must have several necessary documents, without which he will not be able to work in Poland/EU:
- Driver’s card
- Medical check
- Psychological test
- Code 95 (confirmation of qualification for the profession of driver)
- Driver’s certificate – obtaining a certificate for international road transport of goods
Driver’s card
In Poland, all transportation is carried out according to the tachograph. This is a device that monitors the driver’s working time, mandatory breaks, etc. A special card which is inserted into the tachograph is a driver’s card or a chip card. The history of the driver’s work time is recorded on this card and the card can be read at any time by the traffic inspectorate or the police of the relevant EU country. Important: the driver’s card must be issued in the driver’s country of origin. For example, if the driver is from the Philippines, he must obtain a driver’s card in the Philippines.
Medical check
All employees undergo a standard medical examination before being hired in Poland. For the driver, this examination can be somewhat specific, taking into account future work duties.
Psychological test
A special test that confirms that a person is fully adequate and can drive a vehicle, transport goods and valuables, be on the road, etc.
Code 95
Confirmation of obtaining qualifications for the profession of driver or code 95. It is needed so that a driver from a third country, who is employed in Poland, can perform work in other EU countries.
To obtain code 95, you must have a driver’s license with category C, which was obtained before September 2008. In this case, code 95 can be obtained quite quickly.
If category C was received after September 2, 2008, then receiving code 95 takes more than 3 months. No employer wants to hire such candidates.
Driver’s certificate (so called “red paper”)
The driver’s certificate allows the driver to transport goods across the EU. It can be obtained after having 4 previous documents – Driver’s card, Medical check, Psychological test and Code 95.
Are you looking for a job as a truck driver in the EU?
Do you want to find a suitable job in Poland under your qualification? Don’t work as an unskilled worker! We advise you to fill out this form. As soon as we have a vacancy corresponding to your requirements and qualifications, we will contact you immediately. Tell me as much as you can about yourself .
On average, every minute on our page about four employers fill out an application to search for employees. Most of them are looking for highly skilled workers.
We provide new vacancies first of all to people who will fill in this questionnaire. Also we do work permit. Please note that we communicate only with selected candidates. If our recruitment specialist will not reply to you, it’s mean we can’t hire you.
We provide new vacancies first of all to people who will fill in this questionnaire.