Who Needs and Who Doesn't Need a Schengen Visa to Travel to Europe?
Who Needs and Who Doesn’t Need a Schengen Visa to Travel to Europe?
While there are categories and nationals of countries that are privileged with entering the Schengen visa-free zone, there are also other categories and nationals, which have to go through all the process of meeting requirements and attending interviews, in order to obtain a visa that grants them with the permission to enter the Schengen Area.
Citizens of Which Countries Need a Schengen Visa to go to Europe?
The countries whose citizens are required to obtain a Schengen visa in order to enter any member country of the Schengen Area are:
Afghanistan | Gabon | Oman |
Algeria | Gambia | Pakistan |
Angola | Ghana | Papua New Guinea |
Armenia | Guinea | Palestinian Authority |
Azerbaijan | Guinea-Bissau | Philippines |
Bahrain | Guyana | Qatar |
Bangladesh | Haiti | Russia |
Belarus | India | Rwanda |
Belize | Indonesia | Sao Tome And Principe |
Benin | Iran | Saudi Arabia |
Bhutan | Iraq | Senegal |
Bolivia | Jamaica | Sierra Leone |
Botswana | Jordan | Somalia |
Burkina Faso | Kazakhstan | South Africa |
Burma/Myanmar | Kenya | South Sudan |
Burundi | Kosovo | Sri Lanka |
Cambodia | Kuwait | Sudan |
Cameroon | Kyrgyzstan | Suriname |
Cape Verde | Laos | Swaziland |
Central African Republic | Lebanon | Syria |
Chad | Lesotho | Tajikistan |
China | Liberia | Tanzania |
Comoros | Libya | Thailand |
Congo | Madagascar | Timor-Leste |
Cote D’ivoire | Malawi | Togo |
Cuba | Maldives | Tonga |
Dem. Rep. Of Congo | Mali | Tunisia |
Djibouti | Mauritania | Turkey |
Dominican Republic | Mongolia | Turkmenistan |
Ecuador | Morocco | Uganda |
Egypt | Mozambique | Uzbekistan |
Equatorial Guinea | Namibia | Vietnam |
Eritrea | Nepal | Yemen |
Ethiopia | Niger | Zambia |
Fiji | Nigeria | Zimbabwe |
North Korea | Northern Mariana’s |
Citizens of Which Countries Need an Airport Transit Schengen Visa?
There are countries citizens of which need also an airport transit visa in order to change the airplane at an airport in a Schengen Area country.
The list of the countries which are subject to the airport transit visa in the Schengen Area goes as following:
- Afghanistan
- Bangladesh
- Congo (Drc)
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Iran
- Iraq
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Somalia
- Sri Lanka
There are however exceptions regarding the Airport Transit Visa for certain individuals. In case of the following terms, the nationals of the above mentioned countries are not obliged to obtain an airport transit visa:
- If the person holds a residency permit from a Schengen member country, a valid Schengen Visa for short stays or long stays.
- If the person holds a residency permit from countries such as, Andorra, Canada, Japan, San Marino or the USA that guarantees the persons whereabouts.
- If the person holds a valid Schengen visa or a valid visa for entering one of the EFTA countries as well as Canada, Japan or the United States, even if they are returning from those certain countries after using this visa.
- If the person is a family member of e EU citizen (close family only)
- If the person holds a diplomatic passport.