How to Fill-in the Schengen Visa Application Form
Everyone who is looking to obtain a Schengen Visa to travel to Europe, is required to fill in and sign the official application form. The visa form also requires the applicant to glue a photo taken according to the visa photograph specifications and requirements.
Filling up correctly the Schengen visa application form is one the most important part of the entire European visa application process.
The visa application form has 37 questions that must be filled in by the applicant with relevant information. These questions are outlined below, along with information on how to fill each of them. Bear in mind that any false statements will result in your visa being refused.
Download the Schengen Visa application form and fill it in cautiously and honestly as described below.
1. Surname (Family Name)
Write your name as indicated on your passport (Please do not add the words “married name” and the name of your husband)!
2. Surname at birth (Former Family Name)
Write the name you had at your birth if different than the one indicated in section 1.
3. First Name(s)
Write your first name(s) as indicated on your passport.
4. Date of Birth
Write your date of birth in day-month-year order. (Example. 15.05.1990)
5. Place of Birth
Write your place of birth as indicated on your passport.
6. Country of Birth
Add the name of the country, even if it is not specified on the passport.
7. Current Nationality
Nationality at Birth, if different
Write your passport’s nationality, and if appropriate, your nationality at birth if it is different from your actual nationality.
8. Gender
Check the box corresponding to your gender (Male or Female).
9. Civil Status
Check the box corresponding to your legal marital status.
10. Minors
Write the full name, address, and nationality of the person holding parental authority or legal guardianship
11. National Identity Number
Write your national identity number, if applicable
12. Travel Document Type
Specify the type of travel document.
13. Travel Document Number
Write the number as indicated in your passport or in your travel document.
14. Issue Date
Write the date your passport was issued (Please do not put the extension date).
15. Expiration Date
Write the date as indicated in your passport, taking into account any extension.
16. Issued By:
Specify the authority that issued the passport and the place of issue.
17. Applicant’s home address, email address and Telephone Number
Write the mailing address specifying whether it is your personal mailbox or that of another person or company (in this case, write the name of the mailbox owner).
Write your email address and as well as your landline and mobile telephone numbers in your country of residence and, where appropriate, in the country where you are submitting your visa application.
18. Residence in Another Country
Specify whether you live in a country other than your current nationality, stating, if you answer yes, the number of your residence permit and its expiration date.
19. Current Occupation
In principle, write the occupation indicated on the passport; if you indicate a different occupation, please write a short explanation, for example: “professor (former student)” or “retired (former sales manager)”. If you have no occupation, write “no occupation”.
20. Employer or Educational Institution
Write the name of the organization (firm, public service, educational institution) where you work and its contact information.
21. The Main Purpose of Your Trip
Check the box that describes the purpose of your trip.
22. Destination Member State
Write the name of the country you will be residing in for most of the traveling days, referred to as the main destination.
23. First Entry Member State
Specify the country where you will be entering the Schengen area.
24. Number of Entries Requested
Check the box corresponding to your desired number of entries.
25. Length of Stay
Write the duration corresponding to your desired length of stay.
26. Schengen Visas Issued during the Last 3 Years
Specify the number of visas that you have obtained to enter the Schengen area during the last 3 years.
27. Fingerprints
Check the corresponding box. If your fingerprints have already been taken for a visa application, indicate the date.
28. Entry Permit for Your Final Destination Country, If Applicable
Write the number and validity dates for your visa at your final destination, if this country is outside the Schengen area.
29. Arrival Date
Write your expected arrival date in the Schengen area.
30. Departure Date
Write your departure date from the Schengen area.
31. Inviting Person’s Name…
Write the name of the person who invited you, or the contact information for a hotel, specifying all the details (telephone and fax).
32. Host Organization / Firm Name and Address
Write the name and address of the firm or organization that invited you (telephone and fax) and the contact information for your contact person in the firm.
33. Travel and Living Expenses During Your Stay Are Covered by?
Check the appropriate box (you may check several boxes).
34. Personal Information Regarding a Family Member who is a European Union, EEA, or Swiss National
Write the full name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, and relationship only if you are the dependent spouse, child, father, or mother of a person who is a citizen of another State of the European Union.
35. Relationship
Check the appropriate box if you are a family member of a European Union, EEA, or Swiss national.
36. Date and Location
Write the place and date where you are filling-in the form, even if this date is different than the day you are going to the visa service.
37. Signature
The Visa application form should be completely filled and signed by Visa applicant and not another person. If the visa applicant is a minor (under 18), the application must be signed by a person having parental authority and their relationship should be included in parentheses (father, mother, guardian). If the visa applicant cannot sign, a cross may be used.
* A separate visa application form is required for each applicant.