New guidelines for the employment of Russian Federation nationals in Poland
On 28 October 2022, new Regulations of the Minister of Family and Social Policy came into force, amending the existing Regulations:
- on the countries to whose nationals certain provisions concerning the seasonal work permit and the provisions concerning the declaration on the assignment of work to a foreigner apply,
- on determining cases in which work permits for foreigners are issued regardless of the detailed conditions for issuing work permits for foreigners.
From that date, entrepreneurs are not allowed to submit declarations of entrusting work to a foreigner for citizens of the Russian Federation. Only citizens of five countries will be able to use the simplified procedure: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
However, in the case of issuing seasonal work permits, the entity entrusting the performance of work to a citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to attach the starost’s information on the situation on the local labour market and cannot use the multi-seasonal entry.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who worked legally before the amendments may continue to work until the end of the validity of the declaration or seasonal work permit. The existing provisions will be applied to proceedings initiated and not concluded before the entry into force of the Regulations.