How to apply for a work permit to Malta in 2023?
About the country
Malta, officially the Republic of Malta, consists of the main island Malta and the smaller islands of Gozo and Comino. The country covers an area of 316 km²; compared, it is about twice the size of Washington, DC, and would fit into Luxembourg eight times. Malta has a population of over 500,000 people.
Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast. It's a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and British. It has numerous fortresses, megalithic temples and the ?al Saflieni Hypogeum, a subterranean complex of halls and burial chambers dating to circa 4000 B.C
The high employment rate in Malta's diverse industries, which is a member of the European Union, attracts job seekers from abroad to the country. To work here, individuals who are not citizens of the EU or EEA must submit a work permit application.
According to their country's immigration regulations, foreign workers who wish to work here must have their work permits sponsored by their employers. Non-EU workers must first obtain a visa in order to enter Malta, and once there, they must submit an application for a work permit.
Employers, not job seekers, are required to apply for employment licences.
Work permit for non-EU citizens
Individuals form non-EU nations are eligible for a Single Permit Application which is processed by their employer and gives them the right to work and live in Malta. The application for a Single Permit must include the following documents:
- Copy of a valid employment contract
- Private medical insurance policy that provides coverage for 12 months
- Covering letter from the prospective employer
- Position description signed by the employer
- A signed CV showing work experience of at least three years
The e-residence card, sometimes known as a single permit, gives people the ability to live and work in Malta, but the applicant needs a valid visa to do so.
The single permit typically takes two to three months to process. The permit is good for 12 months. The employer whose employment contract was provided in the application is connected to the residency card. If the person stops working with that specific employer, the cad will expire.
The application may be submitted on the employee's behalf by the employer. Once the application is approved, the employer will receive a letter granting permission for the candidate to travel to and work in Malta. At this point, the applicants can use the letter as justification for applying for a visa to visit Malta, and once there, they can finish the single permit process.
Renewal of work permit: Single permits can be renewed by submitting an application for renewal, which must be accompanied by documentation certifying that income tax and national insurance contributions have been duly paid for the preceding 12 months.
Key Employment Initiative (KEI)
The KEI is a relatively new scheme launched by the government of Malta that provided a fast-track work permit application service to non-EU citizens with highly specialized skills who wish to work in Malta.
Under this scheme prospective employees can get their single permits within five working days after they submit their application. This option is open for those qualified for managerial or highly-technical roles which require relevant qualifications or work experience.
Applicants for this scheme must meet the following criteria:
- They must have an annual gross salary of at least 30,000 pounds
- Certified copies that prove they have the relevant qualifications and the necessary work experience of at least a three-year period
- Declaration by the employer that they have the necessary qualifications to perform the job
The KEI scheme is also extended to innovators who are keen to initiate start-up projects in Malta. Approved permits will be valid for one year which can then be renewed for a maximum of three years.
EU Blue card
Individuals from non-EU countries who have the EU Blue Card can apply for a work permit which will be valid for one year and can be renewed later. EU Blue Card holders will be given special consideration provided they are highly-qualified and are being hired for a job that whose annual gross salary is 1.5 times higher than the normal wages in Malta.
Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity
Another option is the Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity which is available to citizens of countries in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and third wcountries.
To qualify one must have an annual income which is over 52,000 Euros. Individuals must have a suitable qualification or sufficient professional experience in a function comparable to that of the Eligible Office for a minimum of three (3) years.
In addition to meeting the minimum annual income requirement, a beneficiary must also meet the following criteria:
· Must not be domiciled in Malta
· Do not draw taxable employment income from work performed in Malta or any time spent outside Malta in conjunction with such work or tasks
· Under Maltese law, you are protected as an employee.
· Demonstrate that they have professional qualifications to the satisfaction of the competent authority
· Must have consistent and reliable resources that are sufficient to support themselves and their family (without recourse to the social assistance system in Malta)
· Reside in housing that is considered regular for a comparable family in Malta and complies with Malta’s general health and safety regulations.
· Must have a valid travel document
· Must have health insurance
Employment license through JobsPlus
Jobsplus is the government body responsible for issuing employment licenses that are usually valid for one year from the issue date. Applications for employment licenses must be submitted by the prospective employer, and are subject to considerations of the labor market.
Multiple ways to get a work permit for Malta
Visa category | Features |
Single Permit | Applied by employer, valid for one year |
Key Employment Initiative | Fast-track work permit application for highly-specialized individuals |
EU Blue Card | For highly qualified individuals, higher gross salary |
JobsPlus | Government body for issuing job licenses |
Where are the available workers?
Working in Malta
We are looking for workers to fill in vacancies in almost all sectors in Malta. All job applications must contain a curriculum vitae (CV) written in English and a covering letter, copies of certificates and references. Job applications should be typed.
The curriculum vitae is usually no longer than two pages. The standard European curriculum vitae format (Europass) is recommended. This can be downloaded from www.europass.cedefop.europa.eu. Simplicity, conciseness and precision are recommended. The CV should include the following: personal details, education, knowledge of languages, computer skills, in particular skills, professional experience and information about hobbies.
Application letters/emails are usually concise and no longer than a few paragraphs. The letter is a vital tool to give the employer information about career prospects, educational background, professional experience and availability. Express interest in the vacancy and use the accompanying covering letter to convince the potential interviewer that you are qualified to fill the vacancy.
Some employers provide their own application forms to be filled in by applicants. Certain forms are standard, while others ask more about previous work experience and use more unstructured (open-ended) questions. After viewing the CV, the employer can either rank the candidates on a shortlist or call applicants for an interview. In some cases, a medical examination may be required prior to employment. A medical certificate is issued by a recognised medical professional declaring whether a candidate meets the standard required and whether or not they are fit for the specified job.
Short overview of the labour market:
During the first quarter of 2022:
- Total number of employed persons stood at 274,493 or 61.2 % of the population aged 15 years and over.
- An increase of 4.3 % when compared to the previous year.
- On average, out of every 100 persons aged between 15 and 64 years, 76 were employed.
- During April 2022, the accommodation and food services activities and the administrative and support service activities contributed mostly to the increase in employment, when compared to April 2021
- Registered full-time employment in the private sector went up by 12,236 persons to 198,037
In July 2022, the number of persons registering for work stood at 925 decreasing by 617 when compared to April 2021.
Source: https://nso.gov.mt/en/News_Releases/Documents/2022/08/News2022_153.pdf