Listen up! The best podcasts about Poland (in English)
The Debrief
Dive into some of the most intriguing news stories from Poland with the Debrief, an insightful podcast produced by the Thefirstnews.com and presented by John Beauchamp. Every week, the podcast host and his guests take a closer look behind some interesting events from Poland’s past and present. Would you like to find out more about Chopin’s wandering heart, Ba?ka the Bear or a Silesian Princess Diana? Visit The Debrief’s page on Thefirstnews.com.
Launched in Canada in 2016, the award-winning podcast is “the first ever English-language podcast about Poland and Poles around the world”. The idea behind POLcast was to create a Poland-themed audio magazine accessible to English-speaking listeners, including the second and third generation of Polish emigrants. According to POLcast, there are 20 million people of Polish descent in the world, but only 6 per cent of them have a communicative command of Polish. What kind of content can you expect from this podcast? Anything Poland-related really: language discussions, stories from the past, conversations about music, literature, cuisine and more.
The KrakCast
The KrakCast is made up of three English-speaking men who have lived in Kraków for “a combined 40+ years” and sometimes meet up to chat about their everyday life in the city or to discuss whatever is making the headlines in Poland - the presidential election, COVID-19 or the Sunday shopping ban. If you are planning a move or a trip to Kraków - give The KrakCast a listen.
The History of Poland
Would you like to broaden your knowledge of Polish history? If you are not one for digging through heavy history books, you may listen to an episode of The History of Poland podcast on your next commute to work. The series host, Trevor Gilbert, will take you on an exciting journey through Poland’s rich and tumultuous past.
Stories from the Eastern West
As the title suggests, this series of podcasts from Culture.pl features a selection of little-known but fascinating stories from Central and Eastern Europe. Visit the podcast’s website to find out how a Polish monk created the first bulletproof vest, what happened when the Rolling Stones visited Warsaw in 1967 or how Ludwik Zamenhof came up with the idea to create an international language - Esperanto.
Notes from Poland
Notes from Poland is an independent, English-language news outlet, providing in-depth analyses of current events and offering a valuable insight into Poland’s political, business or cultural life. If you are looking for balanced news reports, independent political commentary, or would simply like to learn some history of Poland - click here to find all the episodes of the mini-series.