Poland Residence Permit
Poland Residence Permit Option - Investment EUR +150 (Complete Under one Roof Solution)
IMPORTANT: POLAND RESIDENCE is very difficult to achieve at the moment due to long waits and multiple refusals by the Government in 2018.
Note: In 2018, the Polish method has improved in many respects and for foreign employees, it has been very stringent. However, Poland still issues, on many bases, 1 year 2 year & 3-year residency permits to non-EU residents. We welcome you to our office for thorough discussions. We do, however, have some details on the most common and successful alternative that most ex-pats find acceptable in non-EU countries.
SECTION 1: Description OF PROGRAM: How It Operates
Poland offers a multi-based 1 year 2 year & 3-year residency permit to non-EU residents. We include some detail on the most basic and successful alternative that most expatriates find acceptable.
Option 1: By setting up a business in Poland - If you have a genuine idea and intention to start and operate a business in Poland, we can assist with the entire process of setting up or buying a running company. Note that if this company does not carry out the business activity for six months or more, it may not be easy to obtain a residence permit. Chat directly with our Polish specialist to address this option and how we can help resolve the policy and complexities of a Polish residency permit in this option.
Option 2. Study in Poland - You can obtain a residence permit for studying in Poland. Such course should ideally be of minimum one-year duration or preferably a university degree course. Talk to us about this option if you wish to study in Poland. Most students who finish a university degree in Poland have great chances of long term settlement in Poland for obvious reasons that may include learning the Polish language, then finding a job in Poland or starting a business, or even based on a genuine marriage that may happen due to a student's long terms stay and interaction with Polish citizens while being a student. So there are many possibilities.
Note: There are a variety of other choices and purposes for receiving a residency permit from Poland, such as for humanitarian reasons. However, we can only discuss those cases on a personal basis at our office in Poland.
Poland is part of the EU and the Schengen region. A 2-3 year residency permit opens many doors for serious individuals with some talents, language skills and business plans, ability to make an effort, and, of course, financial savings. For those who want to come to Poland for additional long-term settlement arrangements and invest in small companies, this is a perfect option.
Poland is a powerhouse economy of Eastern Europe. Polish companies are competitive and the Government supports the businesses by allowing foreigners to come and take up jobs that cannot be filled by Polish citizens.
It is good for families - It is possible to bring along family members. Notice that it may incur extra costs and will entail proper preparation from the outset to include your family in your Poland Residence permit application.
- Free children's education.
- Emergency Care Sponsored by Free State
- Free language course in Polish
- Low housing and general living costs
Flexibility - In accordance with your sponsor company and on the basis of your position in the company, it could be possible to fly regularly between Poland and other Schengen countries and abroad. You might be employed in Poland, or you might be more enterprising and start up your own small company in Poland. While the work permit limits you from working with another employer other than the one that supported you, by being a member, you will still start a new business on the side and might also have other partners in the business.
In every other Schengen country, you will find a job and move your citizenship to that country without leaving Europe. The prospect of becoming a corporate associate in an organization based in other Schengen countries is also probable. But this opportunity should really be used by someone with a business plan and some financial backup to develop and turn this alternative into a long-term settlement solution in the EU.
Poland is a good place to set up enterprises and to have a strong economy. The nice range for restaurants such as Chinese, Thai, Indian fast food, vegetarian, herbal, etc. You should look at starting up several enterprises and expanding out into other Schengen states eventually.
After getting your residency permit and a long list of costs, AtoZ Serwis Plus provides a Complete Kit including Schengen Visa advice + Find appropriate sponsor business + Legal assistance with Immigration Procedure + Assist with house searching + Tax and accounting support.
Upon prior arrangement with proper ID and supporting financial records, the information shall be given to legitimate consumers. AtoZ Serwis Plus partners with trustworthy and professionally running firms to try to provide a long-term alternative for our consumers, not just a TRC plastic card that could be revoked every six months.