Work Migration to Poland in 5 Easy Steps
Work Migration to Poland in 5 Easy Steps
Due to the legal requirements for work immigrants from Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Russia ,India ,Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Ukraine, labour emigration to Poland is becoming increasingly popular each year.
However, the number of immigrants from South Asia and the Middle East who wish to work and live in Poland grew last year. Citizens of these nations successfully meet all of the stringent standards of Poland's state authorities, gaining not only the opportunity to work in Poland, but also the opportunity to improve their family's life. After all, every foreigner who works legally in Poland and follows all of the procedures for legalising his or her stay and activity can help his or her family immigrate to Poland.
1. Is it worthwhile to immigrate to Poland for work now, given the continued growth of the foreign labour market?
Yes, it is worthwhile to immigrate to Poland in 2022 for job! Poland has been rapidly developing in the domains of building, investment, innovation, and other areas in recent years, attracting not only immigrants but also multinational firms and big investments. As a result, each month, the demand for workers on the Polish labour market increases.
Agriculture, construction, tourism, services, and other industries have the largest demand for personnel. Graduates with university credentials, professional experience, and foreign language skills, on the other hand, are welcomed by Polish and worldwide firms.
If you truly want to improve your life and provide a better future for yourself and your family, you should pursue your dream and begin the process of work-based immigration to Poland.
2. Is it possible to immigrate to Poland on the basis of employment? What are the first steps in the process?
Every foreign national who comes to Poland for work or long-term living must legalise not only his stay, but also his activities on Polish soil. However, legal stay in Poland allows you to plan your future in a new nation and receive all potential benefits on an equal footing with Polish residents, and it is not just about the Polish government's tight standards and long useless bureaucratic processes.
We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the following five steps for a successful work-based immigration to Poland.
Step 1 – Searching for job in Poland
In Poland, there are numerous options for job seekers. In Poland, you can look for work on your own or with the assistance of a job or immigration agency.
Please be aware, however, that you must exercise caution during your immigration to Poland process because Poland now has a large number of immigration and labour SCAMs. When applying for a job and paying fees for services such as job search assistance, work visas, work permits, TRC in Poland, and so on, check all official information about the agency, law firm, and/or your employer.
- Work and/or immigration agencies that help foreigners with searching for real official job in Poland. Some of them also offer foreigners to assist them with all legal matters pertaining to legal formalities in the whole process of preparing necessary documentation for work immigration to Poland Our Polish Lawyer law firm “AtoZ Serwis Plus” also helps foreigners with the whole process of immigration to Poland on various basis like work, studies, business, etc.
- LinkedIn – a world-famous social network for business communication and searching for job offers/employees. This social network can be used for both passive and active job search. In addition, this social network can be used as a channel for finding work abroad, since very often large international corporations have job offers there. What is more, a lot of firms themselves are looking for suitable employees there.
- Pracuj.pl and Praca.pl are Poland’s most popular job search services with useful employment information and tax calculators.
- Gumtree.pl and OLX.pl are popular free ad services where you can find part-time jobs and internships in hospitality, service, reception, call centers, manufacturing, gastronomy and so on.
- Absolvent.pl is a website that is suitable for students and university graduates. They offer useful information about job searches and internships, as well as arrange job exhibitions every 6 months.
AtoZ Serwis Plus sp. z o
Recruitment agency AtoZ Serwis Plus sp. z o provides work in Poland for foreigners from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Bangladesh, Nepal India and from other countries. Our company has been operating in the labor market since 2009. Thanks to our experience, we can carry out each set of employees efficiently and quickly.
We select the necessary vacancy considering the characteristics of the applicant and provide information to the candidate about the place of new work. Also, we take on our shoulders organizational issues. Our offer is directed to people who want to continue their professional development in Poland. Also, for people who are planning to move to Poland for permanent residence.
Step 2 – Obtaining a work permit in Poland
When you already have a job and work contact in Poland, you can start the process of obtaining a required work permit in Poland. Usually employers make it by themselves, but not always. Sometimes they need the help of law firms in this process, too.
If you are a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland then you may legally work in Poland only on the basis of 1 of the following work permits:
- Work permit in Poland
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy there are 5 types of work permits that can be issued for foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland: A, B, C, D, E.
- Seasonal work permit (Type S)
- Declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner entered in the declaration register
- Certificate of entering the application for a seasonal work permit in the register of applications.
Please, take into account that the required type of work permit in Poland depends on your individual situation. For example, it depends on your citizenship, type and period of work contract, employer, job position and etc.
Step 3 – Obtaining a national type “D” work visa to Poland
Based on obtained work permit, invitation from the employer and work contract you can apply for national type “D” work visa to Poland at the Embassy of Poland in your home country.
If you correctly prepared the whole package of required documents, you get your visa to Poland in 15 days.
Step 4 – Your arrival to Poland
Step 5 – Obtaining work TRC in Poland
As soon as you legally come to Poland with all documents listed above, you can apply for Temporary Residence Permit in Poland based on your work if you have the intention and justification of your stay in Poland for more than 3 months (90 days).
Now you can see that the process of work immigration to Poland is not so difficult and long. But you have to spend your time for understanding of the whole bureaucratic process and preparation of required documents by the Polish government.
BUT is it a problem when you can make your dreams come true and immigrate to Europe? Of course, no.
If you need legal assistance and /or discussion of your individual immigration process, then you can always contact us and make an appointment for “AtoZ Serwis Plus consultation in Immigration case” in order to start our effective cooperation.
Our experienced immigration specialists together with our polish immigration lawyer will analyze your case in detail together with all the documents you have and based on this analysis they will advise you and tell you what risks and opportunities you have, how it is better to proceed further in your case in order to immigrate to Poland based on official work in the shortest possible time and comply with all Polish laws regarding the legalization of the stay and activity of foreigners.